Thursday, August 2, 2007


I just remember right from when life started as a kid, to our counterparts in the western world it could sound ridiculous to hear that parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters and elders use the Cain on their kids to correct them from doing the wrong thing, it shouldn't sound strange because even from the book of wisdom it is written that you spare the rod and spoil the child. Let me not deviate from the topic of my blog, "before they were famous". none of the most prestigious and famous personalities we have in the world allover will ever say he/she can't remember suffering one humiliation and degradation at any stage or the other. I don't want to use a particular of any personality here but you can name them yourself. Oh I wish those people that imposed such humiliation to them knew what they would become in the nearest future, maybe they wouldn't have melted such punishment to them, maybe they would have made friends with them, maybe they have aided them in all endeavors of their lives. but let me tell you, if such gratifications were tendered to the famous people we can mention today, maybe they wouldn't have had the zeal to reach to the height they got today, they would have said after all i have all the favor life can offer so there is no need to stress much, would you have blamed them if they did, after all no one would prefer hard and stressful life to a flexible and flamboyant life. "That would have been the end of their popularity". I wish I had enough time to write more on this, but the message I want to pass across to you is that no matter the unfavorable situation you think you are in now, don’t ever think it's going to keep on the same way, try to read and understand the other side of life. Never be demoralized for the things you are passing through now. throw up a coin and see if you can guess well the side it will land on, even if you guessed well, are you sure that's the right judgment. if you think it's the right judgment, guess and throw it a thousand times and see if you would be right in all, if you are, and you believe on one thing you want to become in life, pursue it diligently and believe in it no matter what you are seeing now, but my dear, if you couldn't guess well with throwing the coins, then know it that no one can tell you what you would be in life. Believe in your dreams, if you were losing grip before, come on, grip up and keep the race on. You never know the other side of life. Think about it. You will be lifted high and you see yourself flying without wings.